Dear Diary,
On Thursday, I was woken up an hour early for college by accident, usually, since I had that much extra time, I would usually doze off, but I wasn't that tired, so I decided to play some Crazy Taxi 2, and I completed Crazy Pyramid, which is meant to be the sequel to Crazy Box from the original.
On Friday, my friend, Jamie, came over to my house to play FIFA on my new beast of a PC, he even brought his Xbox 360 controller, since I got my receiver, and the was okay, but it wasn't as fun as I hoped to be, I don't remember the match details, but I'm sure it involved both of us being Barcelona and him thrashing me by quite a margin.
Then we gave PES 2012 a try, and it was surprisingly fun, a lot of fun, it was quite frantic, it was very fast paced, and it was more realistic in a sense that if you shot from midfield, in FIFA, they'd be no chance of getting in, but there's a chance in PES, it also had better commentary, menus and a far better atmosphere, don't get me wrong, FIFA 12 is still a fun game, but PES is far better in my opinion.
In the first match, Jamie accidentally went as Real Madrid (he was a Barcelona supporter), and I went Barcelona, so it was an El Classico, in the end, we drew 2-2, and it went to extra time, where I think I won 4-3, we played a few matches afterwards, wher4e he ended up winning by quite a bit.
Then we played a game of NBA 2K12, we only played one match, which I won.
Then we played PES 2012 again, I probably lost a few more matches, then Jamie and my brother, Riccardo "Red Card" Cafolla had a game of FIFA 12 on the PC, and then on the PS3, both games Jamie won, but it was close, at least compared to his usual results when playing me.
Then we tried out PES 2012 on the PS2, it was a good game least time I played it, before I got it on PC, but playing it now, it seems kind of crappy, it's still a good game, it's nostalgic because the gameplay is exactly the same as the old PES games on the PS2, but with an updated roster, me and Jamie had a game at first, then Riccardo "Red Card" Cafolla to take over me for a good few matches while I was busy doing stuff on the PC, can't remember what, though, probably working on my game.
After that, he tried out the PC version, and to my surprise, because he's pretty much a FIFA fanboy, he described the PC version as "Retarded but fun" and even mentioned that he might consider getting it for the PS3, I told him it wasn't so bad...
When we playing all of the above, he kept getting penalties and yellow/red cards the moment he got the ball off of Jamie, because of this, we gave him new nicknames, including; "The Walking Penalty", Riccardo "Red Card" Cafolla, "The Walking Red Card", Riccardo "Referee's Consequences" Cafolla and "The Red Card Magnet".
Then me and Jamie had another game of NBA 2K12, and I somehow lost, Basketball is meant to be
my sport, the sport
I follow! I guess you can't win everything... or my case
Then we had another game of FIFA 12, which, big surprise, I lost. After that, I felt tired, so I just went to bed, watching Monsters Inc. before sleeping, my friend ended sleeping a quarter of the way through, though.
The Next Morning, on Sunday 3rd March, we had a game of PES 2012 on PC, and I lost, again. I'm awful at these games...
Then Riccardo "Red Card" Cafolla played a 2 games with Jamie, which Jamie won 8-1 apparently, but then he came back the next match with a 4-3 win. So they played one more match as a decider, and Jamie won 3-1. In all matches, it was Manchester City and Manchester United played by Jamie and Riccardo "Red Card" Cafolla respectively.
After that, Jamie was taken home.
In short, here's what we played, in the order we played them:
- FIFA 12 [PC]
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [PC/Games for Windows]
- NBA 2K12 [PC]
- FIFA 12 [PS3]
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [PS2]
We had a great time that night, well, at least
I did.
On Sunday, it was Xbox 360 week and Steven, my cousin's birthday weekend, or should I say his "Un-Birthday". "Finally!", my cousins would say, "
New games!".
While I was waiting until we went there I decided to start a new game of Pokémon Red and played that a little bit before we went, didn;t get far though, but I'll play it again.
Me, Steven and my other cousin, Giancarlo, started off by playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, and I was actually doing alright in it, my death-kill ratio didn't appear to be as big as usual, I even went second on both matches we played, the game's still not great though in my opinion.
Then me and Steven played Tony Hawk's Underground 2, because we didn't have much time, and we needed our horse of the week, the game ran seriously slow on the Xbox 360, but it was playable enough, this week, the "horse" was: bb2235ego!
We actually played two matches, when we playing them, when one of us got a number, it said "(User) got the letter 2!", Oh no!
The first match I won, 8-1 to me! I felt kind of sad about that, though, being it was his "Un-Birthday" and all, I hope he would've got a win, so he challenged me to another game, but I warned him, if I won, that would one more in my score, he said he would be okay with that.
...and what do you know, he actually won! 8-2 to me still, but at least it's a little less one-sided, just a little, though. I told him to start practising on Tony Hawk's Pro skater 3, because I'd love a challenge, I don't want this whole horse of the week thing to be one sided, so hopefully he'll take my advice and practice on Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3, as he has it as well.
After that, we were going to play Robot Wars Extreme Destruction on the Xbox, which worked fine before on the Xbox 360, but it wasn't compatible, odd, why wouldn't Microsoft
remove compatibility from their console, it seems kind of stupid, doesn't it? They're probably trying to copy Nintendo, hoping to copy their success, if that's the case, Microsoft clearly don't know what consumers like or hate.
So we decided to play Raw 2 on the Xbox instead, and we had a great time laughing at the game as always, me and Steven played the first 2 matches, then Giancarlo joined in for the next 2, then we had to leave.
Steven gave me a couple of his old PS1 demo discs me and him were talking about last week (I mentioned it on last weeks entry), I've only tried McDonald's Disc 4, and it brought back so many memories!
In short, here are the games we played, in the order we played them:
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 [Xbox 360]
- Tony Hawk's Underground 2 [Xbox]
- WWE Raw 2: Ruthless Aggression [Xbox]
Next week is PS3 week, Riccardo "Red Card" Cafolla would be happy to hear that...
Article by: Cobra!
Article, title and Horse of the Week Help by: Steven