So the day he brought it in, it turns out to be a Sega Master System II, with Sonic Built-in, boxed, practically new! I say practically, I mean it had been used a bit back in the day, but the box was mint, and it had all of the sealing it originally had, one of the controllers hadn't even been opened!
I've been hearing that the Master System II model with Sonic built in was very rare (If my uncle's reading, don't feel gutted, they only seam to go for £20-£30 on eBay, not much of a loss.), so to see one boxed and in almost new condition left me and awe, I got to try it on my Gran's TV.
So after what felt like half an hour of tuning it into the right channel, we finally got a picture! So I played a bit of Sonic 2, then my little brother wanted a shot, so I gave him a shot.
After he got a game over, I decided to try out After Burner, and I was a little disappointed because the game ran pretty slow, it was still pretty fun, though.
Then I decided to try out the built-in Sonic game, and it was quite fun as well.
After I played these games, I had to go, and my uncle said I could have it, I couldn't be more chuffed if I tried!
Here are some pictures, for some really strange reason, Blogspot are displaying some of them sideways even though they were taken normally, and were at the normal side on my computer:
I promised myself never to go as far as to get 8-bit consoles, but since it was a Sega console, I pretty much grew up with them, and it was free, I couldn't resist!
Also, it turns out my cousin, Steven, actually had a Master System back in the day, and he's only a year older than I am. I remember him telling me this years ago, but I thought it was bought a decade or so after it was discontinued, but it turns out, he had it back in the day, so, for all I know, I could've played it, but my memory at the time didn't develop, I was around 2 at the time, (Surprised? I started playing the Mega Drive when I was 3! I remember THAT.) so if that were the case, I'm glad I considered getting a Master System, because it was part of my early life.
I would be playing it, but it's a bit late for that, I'll play it tomorrow.
Thanks for the Master System! I can guarantee you that it will be given a great home where it will be loved and played constantly!
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