Anything retro (or occasionally, modern) that I feel like talking about, will be posted here.
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
I saw Suicide Squad today… My thoughts
Okay, I went for an outing with my sister, we both went to bowling and then we went to the cinema to see the Suicide Squad movie. I thought the film was amazing, and I loved most of the characters in it, Deadshot, inparticular, I thought was amazing and Will Smith, the actor portraying him […]
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Saturday, 27 August 2016
How Do You Fuck Up Tetris? (The Jimquisition)
Okay, so after a while of taking a hiatus from keeping up with the games industry, I decided to watch all of the previously unreleased episodes of a Youtube show I watch called The Jimquision, and he made this episode about Tetris, which for the most part is fascinating, as are all of his shows, […]
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Monday, 8 August 2016
Walcome tae wir new blog for non-binarie an agender fowk
Originally posted on Non-Binarie Alba:
Walcome tae wir new site dedicatit tae fowk that identifee non-binarie, agender, or as ony genderqueer identitie. A will try ma verra best no tae be like a stereo-teepical angert SJW Tumblr site, A massel will try tae meet a middle groond wi arguments an try tae be a vyce…
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Walcome tae wir new site dedicatit tae fowk that identifee non-binarie, agender, or as ony genderqueer identitie. A will try ma verra best no tae be like a stereo-teepical angert SJW Tumblr site, A massel will try tae meet a middle groond wi arguments an try tae be a vyce…
Saturday, 16 July 2016
5 Word Impressions – 007 Special
Hey guys, I’ve watched every single 007 film, From the 1954 Casino Royale to Spectre, all in one big marathon and I have recorded my reactions for every one, all summed into 5 words each! Are you ready? Go! 1954 – Casino Royale (Barry Nelson): Engaging but ending’s cut short. 1962 – Dr. No (Sean […]
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Saturday, 2 July 2016
Retro Diary – 02/07/16
It’s been a long time since I’ve done one of these, eh? (2 years, in fact!) Well, I’ve decided to bring this series back, but this time, I’m going to do them whenever I like, and on days where anything of interest happened in terms of retro gaming in my life, such as today! I […]
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Friday, 24 June 2016
Dear Holyrood keep Scotland in Europe
Awricht, thare’s a petition stairtit bi the Greens tae keep Scotland inside the EU, an A think thon in Scotland shoud sign it! The site is in Inglis, but ye dinnae need tae ken ony o’t tae ken whit tae dae… no that thare are any Scots speaks that dinnae ken Inglis an aw.😛 “Scotland […]
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‘BATMAN – The Telltale Series’ Unveiled in First Look Ahead of Summer 2016 Premiere
YEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Source: ‘BATMAN – The Telltale Series’ Unveiled in First Look Ahead of Summer 2016 PremiereFiled under: Shared Stuff
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Tuesday, 21 June 2016
James Bond vs Austin Powers – Epic Rap Battles of History – Season 5 – YouTube
This might just be my favourite ERB so far!😀Filed under: Shared Stuff Tagged: Films
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I see what they did there…
I recently got back into the Sims 3 after getting the game working on Ubuntu, and after failing a “dare” job in University Life, I got this message: This is being Politically Correct and doing it well!😀Filed under: Other gaming stuff Tagged: Microsoft Windows PC
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Monday, 20 June 2016
They’re charging ~£11 to send a bunch of stickers?! No thanks!Filed under: Other gaming stuff
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Monday, 21 March 2016
It’s guid tae see spak news in Scots, e’en gin the tuin soonds Roushie, an the guy shoud wark on his spellins! Source: under: Poleetical Stuff, Skart Stuff
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Friday, 18 March 2016
Post about Pokkén Tournament – Miiverse | Nintendo
…I think Namco (or Nintendo) did this on purpose… I present to you, Exhibit B: Before Pikachu performs this People’s-Elbow like move, he does a strike, stand back and does this before doing the elbow… Didn’t the Rock do this when he was doing a series of strikes before delivering the last one? Hmm… I […]
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Post about Pokkén Tournament – Miiverse | Nintendo
I see what you did there, Nintendo! or Namco! …For those who don’t, doesn’t Pikachu’s motion look suspiciously like The People Elbow… you know, the most electrying move in sports entertainment… performed by Pikachu… an electric Pokemon… Huh? Huh?… Huh… ? Source: Post about Pokkén Tournament – Miiverse | NintendoFiled under: Other gaming stuff, Shared […]
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I got Pokken today!
Yay! I’m probably going to spend all day playing this! I’m loving what I’ve played so far!Filed under: Retro Pick-Ups/Arrivals
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Wednesday, 2 March 2016
Batman Arkham Knight : The Joker’s Song !!! (Clean Montage) – YouTube
Easily my favourite part of Batman Arkham Knight! (Warning: Contains spoilers!)Filed under: Shared Stuff
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Monday, 8 February 2016
DEBUNKED: Ghost Hunting Equipment
An interesting video, it’s ghost hunting equipment debunked by someone who themselves believe in ghosts. Which is kind of the stance I like to have on things like this. (Not made by me, obviously.) Source: DEBUNKED: Ghost Hunting EquipmentFiled under: Shared Stuff
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Saturday, 6 February 2016
Smash Bros 64 (N64) Jontron, Mike Matei and James Rolfe!
This is funny! I would’ve never expected Jontron to have met AVGN or Motherfucker Mike. I obviously didn’t make nor do I own this, I just shared this here so I can share it on Facebook, etc. (Yeah, I know, I’m lazy!) Source: under: Shared Stuff Tagged: Nintendo 64
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The Sad Truth About Today’s World Illustrated By Steve Cutts
These are mazin! Source: The Sad Truth About Today’s World Illustrated By Steve Cutts “Art isna aw fairytale photae-shuits an lanudscape shots – it can act as catalyst o chynge an aw and Steve Cutts thinks that mony things in the warld shoud be different. Wark shouldna be a grindin, soul-crushin rat race for the […]
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Friday, 5 February 2016
Ma average day! (On Ubuntu onywey!)
A’ve been daein this an awfu lot lately, have Quake as hauf the desktap, an watchin some Drunken Peasants, while hivin chats appen! Multitasking! Why A’m A skarin this? A jalouse acause A can! …Ay, awricht, it’s been a slaw day the day…Filed under: Ither Stuff Tagged: Linux
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Wednesday, 3 February 2016
My thoughts on the announced show hosts and new logo.
So Robot Wars has updated it’s profile picture on Facebook to what I’m going to assume is the new logo. I’m going to be honest, I actually think this looks cooler than the original logo! I thought the new Battlebots logo from their reboot was disappointingly bland compared to their old one, but if anything […]
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Tuesday, 26 January 2016
Gravity Rush has been ported to PS4…
It’s official, the PS Vita has been deprived of every good exclusive it had! Now you have absolutely zero reason to get one! You can spend that money elsewhere now! “Discover astonishing gravity defying powers in an epic PS4 adventure set in the mystical city of Hekseville.” Source: Gravity Rush™ Remastered | Games | PlayStationFiled […]
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Why I think games have gone down the gutter!
Source: Bungie to sell Destiny ammo packs for real money “Grinding for purple ammo packs will soon become a thing of the past, if VG247 sources are to be believed. Update: Bungie has denied it’s to allow players to buy ammo packs, telling Game Informer, “We’re not doing that.” Original st…” Source: Source: Bungie to […]
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Monday, 25 January 2016
Installing Quake 1 on Ubuntu
Uh oh… guys, I’m running out of space! What do I do?! :PFiled under: Other Stuff
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Sunday, 24 January 2016
Sonic: Lost World, Other ‘Past Sega Titles’ Head to Steam | Digital Trends
“Sonic: Lost World will be among many “past Sega titles” launching for PC platforms via Steam in the coming months, publisher Sega announced this week.” Source: Sonic: Lost World, Other ‘Past Sega Titles’ Head to Steam | Digital Trends I know that I keep sharing old articles like this, but I just found out about […]
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Saturday, 23 January 2016
The Worst Feminist Comic Ever
I agree with most of this video, although with the fat-thing, I don’t think I’d be quite that blunt, but maybe I’d suggest them to do what I do and that simply count calories, that has done wonders to me! It’s slow progress, but it works!Filed under: Shared Stuff
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Friday, 22 January 2016
‘Red Dwarf’ to return for two new seasons in 2016 and 2017 – CultBox
I think I read this before, but I guess here it is for conformation! So yeah, new Red Dwarf for the next 2 years! Battlebots, Robot Wars, Red Dwarf, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater? What year is this?! :D Source: ‘Red Dwarf’ to return for two new seasons in 2016 and 2017 – CultBoxFiled under: Thoughts […]
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Thursday, 21 January 2016
I’m making some small(ish) changes to this blog
Before anyone gets annoyed, if anyone will, keep reading until the end! Okay, I’ve decided to changes some stuff about how I do this blog. I decided to make this my personal blog in general, and occasionally post stuff in other languages I know and would feel like posting in. For those who want to […]
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Sunday, 17 January 2016
2016 is looking to be an awesome year!
With Robot Wars Making a comeback and the Battlebots reboot returning for a second series, 2016 is looking to be an awesome year! I’m actually really excited!Filed under: Other Stuff
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BattleBots is coming back for a second season on ABC
Source: BattleBots is coming back for a second season on ABC This is good news! Although I really hope they will do something about the cluster bots this time around, because in my opinion, the 1st reboot series (video of episode 1 below), was almost if not ruined by the clusterbots! Gemini from Robot Wars […]
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Wednesday, 13 January 2016
BBC’s Robot Wars reboot to bring in more high-tech fighting machines
Tech gameshow to return in ‘bulletproof’ arena for a six-part series – 13 years after its last appearance Source: BBC’s Robot Wars reboot to bring in more high-tech fighting machines My reaction: Filed under: Other Stuff Tagged: TV shows
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