Anything retro (or occasionally, modern) that I feel like talking about, will be posted here.
Monday, 8 February 2016
DEBUNKED: Ghost Hunting Equipment
An interesting video, it’s ghost hunting equipment debunked by someone who themselves believe in ghosts. Which is kind of the stance I like to have on things like this. (Not made by me, obviously.) Source: DEBUNKED: Ghost Hunting EquipmentFiled under: Shared Stuff
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Saturday, 6 February 2016
Smash Bros 64 (N64) Jontron, Mike Matei and James Rolfe!
This is funny! I would’ve never expected Jontron to have met AVGN or Motherfucker Mike. I obviously didn’t make nor do I own this, I just shared this here so I can share it on Facebook, etc. (Yeah, I know, I’m lazy!) Source: under: Shared Stuff Tagged: Nintendo 64
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The Sad Truth About Today’s World Illustrated By Steve Cutts
These are mazin! Source: The Sad Truth About Today’s World Illustrated By Steve Cutts “Art isna aw fairytale photae-shuits an lanudscape shots – it can act as catalyst o chynge an aw and Steve Cutts thinks that mony things in the warld shoud be different. Wark shouldna be a grindin, soul-crushin rat race for the […]
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Friday, 5 February 2016
Ma average day! (On Ubuntu onywey!)
A’ve been daein this an awfu lot lately, have Quake as hauf the desktap, an watchin some Drunken Peasants, while hivin chats appen! Multitasking! Why A’m A skarin this? A jalouse acause A can! …Ay, awricht, it’s been a slaw day the day…Filed under: Ither Stuff Tagged: Linux
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Wednesday, 3 February 2016
My thoughts on the announced show hosts and new logo.
So Robot Wars has updated it’s profile picture on Facebook to what I’m going to assume is the new logo. I’m going to be honest, I actually think this looks cooler than the original logo! I thought the new Battlebots logo from their reboot was disappointingly bland compared to their old one, but if anything […]
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