Anything retro (or occasionally, modern) that I feel like talking about, will be posted here.
Sunday, 20 August 2017
Retro Diary #78
Last Sunday, me and my sister watched Beauty and the Beast… on VHS! It was an interesting experience, and the quality wasn’t nearly as bad as I would have thought, considering we watched it on a big flatscreen TV and chances are, the previous owner watched this film over and over again, because that’s what […]
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Sunday, 13 August 2017
Retro Diary #77
So on Thursday, it was my birthday, and I planned to go with some friends to the cinema to see Cars 3. Only one friend turned up, I’m not going to jump to conclusions as to why the others showed up. Anyway, we met up,We watched someone play Super Mario 3D world at MEGABytes, and […]
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Scots First: Kist o Riches — Island Voices – Guthan nan Eilean
A’v juist came across this, it’s an awfu interestin documentary aboot preservin audio recordins bi digitisin thaim! Alistair Heather is the first to take up the latest “Sharing Gaelic Voices” challenge, as Scots becomes the ninth addition to our “Mother Tongues and Other Tongues” collection of languages! It started with a recent post to the […]
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Friday, 11 August 2017
My thoughts on Cars 3 (Minor Spoilers)
Got five minutes to spare? Well, you can read this article about what a nobody thinks about a film that is a month old. Sound good? Let’s continue! So I went to the cinema to see Cars 3 yesterday, and I thought I’d give my views on the film while it’s still fresh on my mind. […]
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Sunday, 6 August 2017
Retro Diary #76 – Back Home!
I’m back! On Sunday, I met up with an old friend at a retro gaming cafe, where I played Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time on the PS1 for a few hours. It’s actually a really good game. It fits the theme of the show perfectly, it has some great platforming elements to it! The only […]
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Monday, 31 July 2017
Retro Pickups: My haul from Italy
We had a holiday in Italy for a week, and there was a shopping centre within driving distance which has a GameStop. We went to this mall for a day and we’re given spending money. So I got some games that you can’t get physically in Scotland (Much to my dissatisfaction), including Titanfall 2 and […]
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Sunday, 23 July 2017
Retro Diary #75 – Off to Italy!
On Thursday, my brother and I were packing our PS1 to bring to Italy with us and we’re packing the Crash Bandicoot games I have, Wipeout 3, The Tony Hawk games, Parappa the Rapper and some others. I also decided to dig out my Gameboy Color, as I decided to bring that, and played some […]
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Tuesday, 18 July 2017
Le Petit Prince is printed in Scots for the first time
“ANOTHER classic literary tale has been given the Scots treatment as Le Petit Prince becomes The Wee Prince.” This is brawsome! Mair an mair stuff are gittin pit ower in tae Scots this year! 😀 Source: Le Petit Prince is printed in Scots for the first timeFiled under: Skart Stuff Tagged: Books
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Sunday, 16 July 2017
My thoughts on the new Doctor
I’m going to give my thoughts on the new doctor… because everyone is dying to hear my opinion, right? Okay, so for those unaware, the new Doctor has been confirmed, and will be played by Jodie Whittaker, making his the first female ro ever play the doctor… unless you somehow count the parody written by […]
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Monday, 10 July 2017
I’m done… After my current games are finished, I’m going to distance myself from the games industry for good.
Originally posted on Gamerstorm Developers Blog:
Hey, Cobra! here I didn’t want to make such a post, nor do I think I would ever in my life be saying what I’m about to say in this article, but it’s gotten to the point where I just can’t take things anymore. After my current projects are…
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Hey, Cobra! here I didn’t want to make such a post, nor do I think I would ever in my life be saying what I’m about to say in this article, but it’s gotten to the point where I just can’t take things anymore. After my current projects are…
Sunday, 9 July 2017
Retro Diary #74 – Tony Hawk: The Board(ish) game!
On Sunday, my brother came into my room, and asked if I was busy. I said I wasn’t, and asked why. He said it’s because he came up with a game or sorts that will be a companion to the Tony Hawk games we play. We basically have a bunch of cards telling us to […]
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Friday, 7 July 2017
A juist diskivered 2 scots bands!
A juist diskivered 2 Scots rock bands! Ane o thaim is cawed the “Scots Thirsels”, thare’s no much info on these guys, ainly 3 songs available on the, but the songs we can listen tae A think are brawsome! The ither band is cawed “The CUNDEEz”, who sing in Doric Scots. Thare’s a lot […]
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Wednesday, 5 July 2017
Watch Planet of the Apes (Playstation) Angry Video Game Nerd: Episode 146″ su YouTube
New AVGN! This was a good episode! Filed under: Shared Stuff
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Sunday, 2 July 2017
The fifth Batman film that never was, Batman Triumphant
Originally posted on The Daily P.O.P.:
(image from It’s easy to shrug off these demons today, but back in the 1990’s, being a Batman fan was a gruesome pass time. What started as a celebration of the pulp comic book hero in Tim Burton’s 1989 film quickly became an exercise in marketing…
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(image from It’s easy to shrug off these demons today, but back in the 1990’s, being a Batman fan was a gruesome pass time. What started as a celebration of the pulp comic book hero in Tim Burton’s 1989 film quickly became an exercise in marketing…
Retro Diary #73 – M… m…. m… mixtape…
On Wednesday, I played Tony Hawk’s Underground with my brother on the PS2, and we played Horse. I guess you could call this a Horse of the Week, technically, but we never called it that, and the word is pronounceable, but screw it, I’ll put it under that anyway, because chances are, we’ll never see […]
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Thursday, 29 June 2017
Harry Potter to become a Scots speaker in new book
Yass! Harry Potter 1 is gittin a Scots owersettin! “AS the literary world celebrates the 20th anniversay of Harry Potter first hitting the bookstands, a new version of the first book is to be published in Scots language.” Source: Harry Potter to become a Scots speaker in new bookFiled under: Skart Stuff Tagged: Books
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Wednesday, 28 June 2017
Gie ma regairds tae Jock Dhu – bi Shuho Sato owerset bi Andra Dempster
A comic in Scots, finally! Source: Gie ma regairds tae Jock Dhu – bi Shuho Sato owerset bi Andra DempsterFiled under: Skart Stuff Tagged: Manga
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Monday, 26 June 2017
Retro Diary #72
On Saturday, I was going to play some Tony Hawk’s Underground, but we didn’t… I got back into THUG Pro, and this time, I’ve started trying to diversify my combos, and use every special move I have!Filed under: Retro Diary
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Sunday, 18 June 2017
Retro Diary #71
On Sunday, I set the PS2 back up for my brother, who decided to play through Tony Hawk’s Underground multiple times to unlock all of the decks. He isn’t too happy about having to do it, but he’s doing it anyway, he’s dedicated, I’ll give him that! On Monday, my brother started to create his […]
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Pirate Bay founder: We’ve lost the internet, it’s all about damage control now
I suppose we can also extend this to PC gaming… under: Shared Stuff Tagged: Microsoft Windows PC
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Saturday, 17 June 2017
This is why I’m losing interest in video games…
It’s things that this that really tick me off! I believe it’s the consumers right to mod what they buy. As long as they don’t resell it. (Even then, I’d say a very limited number of copies is still okay) However, that would be me caring for the consumers, and proposing that I don’t have […]
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Sunday, 11 June 2017
Retro Diary #70
Last Sunday, I got Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 (mostly) working on my PC, and I got it working using the Cumulative patch, which makes the gtame widescreen, unloicks the framerate, and makes other improvements. ….and wow! Playing the game at 60+ frames per second makes a huge difference! It’s much more fun and fluid now! […]
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Wednesday, 7 June 2017
The Collective Working to Save VHS Tapes Before They Decay | Mental Floss
This article is a hard read, it’s sad to know that VHS tapes, something that is a big part of many lives, won’t be usable any more after a couple of decades. Though on the bright side, the article mentions that digital doesn’t last forever, either. As someone who hates digital, that made me happy. […]
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Sunday, 4 June 2017
Retro Diary #69 – Tony Hawk’s Racist Wasteland
On Monday, me, my sister and littlest brother went to M&Ds, which is a theme park in Scotland. (and the only one…) There, they had plenty of arcade machines, from Pacman to Flappy Bird. The first game I played was some street racing game (which is rare(!)) made by Namco, but I can’t for the […]
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Saturday, 3 June 2017
“N64 isn’t dead yet! THPS 3 is coming out”
I stumbled across something midly interesting. This is an old thread on IGN forums from 2002 discussing the announcement of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 on the Nintendo 64, which would then turn out to be the final game on that console! I feel like an architect discovering ancient ruins or like I stepped into […]
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Sunday, 28 May 2017
Retro Diary – Xbox Week Part 1.5
Continuation from last week’s blog. I played through my brother’s Tony Hawk’s Underground 2 story, the one he was creating using entirely goals made from the Create-A-Goal feature in the game… for something that was created out of the blue in 2 days using something that basically made things like character development or actual story events impossible, it’s […]
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VHS is making a comeback… somewhat… under: Shared Stuff Tagged: DVD, VHS
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Sunday, 21 May 2017
Retro Diary – Xbox (and Classic PC) week!
After my brothers were done with the PS2, they looked up the attic for more console Tony Hawk games, and found Underground 2 on the Original Xbox, so I set up that console for them in the sitting room. My brother has been playing Underground 2 for about a week now, completing the story mode […]
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Sunday, 14 May 2017
A’m makkin a mix tape
…an no a single fuck wis gien that day… A fund this auld thing, an realised that it can record CDs tracks tae cassette, an bein inspired by Cassette Culture, (that an ma iPod classioc is broken) A decided tae git some o ma favourite song thegither, burn thaim on a CD, an record thaim […]
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Wednesday, 10 May 2017
Retro Diary – PS2 Day! Part 2
Rocco and I decided to play a Tony Hawks Underground again, but this time, I played through the story, and I did it so that I can demonstrate the alternate ending, which you can get by playing through the game twice, I believe one of the playthroughs has to be on sick mode. Spoiler Alert: […]
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A got the latest issue o Retro Gamer the day, an leuked at the back… this wis the ad. Aither Retro Gamer are desperate for ads tae keep afloat, or the person advertisin this gemme haed a lot o money… it’s sad aither wey…Filed under: Ither Stuff
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Saturday, 6 May 2017
Retro Diary – PS2 day!
I’v decided to do this quick retro diary, because today was a fairly interesting day. My brother asked me if I can set a console up so he can play a Tony Hawk game, he was specifically wanting to play the Underground games, which I only had on PC in my room, so I looked […]
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Sunday, 30 April 2017
I’ve watched all 130 episodes of Ed Edd n Eddy and Big Picture Show… Here are my thoughts!
“Why on earth did you decide to give up any life you had and watched an old childrens show from 10 years ago?!” I hear nobody ask… because there’s nobody reading this… Well, it started with Facebook (of all places), and I saw that come channels were doing streams of Ed Edd n Eddy episodes, so […]
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Sunday, 15 January 2017
Wagon Wars – Game Jam Game
Me and a partner made a game as part of a game jam! Take a look at @UWS_GDS’s Tweet: under: Uncategorized
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