I took the bus to Central Station, and on the way walking from the bus station there to the train station, I came across a games store, called "G-Force", so I decided, since I had plenty of time, I'd go in and take a quick look, the first thing I saw, was a bunch of PS2 games there, including the recently released FIFA 12 and Pro Evolution Soccer 2012, (The latter by the way, STILL hasn't arrived, so much for pre-ordering it!) I had a look around to see if they had anything older.
If you read my Gamestation rant, I said I wanted a store in Glasgow, or at least in Scotland, that sells retro games, checks if the disc is in the cases and if they work, stuff like that, it seams like I found that store, the store is full of retro games, it has PS1 games, Dreamcast games, Saturn games, PS2 games, Gamecube games, Xbox games, and even Mega Drive games. Although the store's main focus are modern games, it's mostly Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and PC games, they seam to care about their old games, like the modern games, they put the disc and instructions away, to avoid theft, stuff like that.
I bought 2 games from there, the first is Ultimate Fighting Championship for the Dreamcast, if you don't know what UFC is, it's a mixed martial arts sport, where people with different martial arts, hence the name, fight it out in a octagon cage, none of it's scripted, it's all real, or so I've heard.
I had the PS1 version of this game already, and I enjoyed that, but I've heard that the Dreamcast version was much better, and it was £3 in this store, so I got it, tried it out, and everything I've heard is true, it is much better than the PS1 version, it runs much faster, and the controls are much more responsive, I still like the PS1 version, but this is far superior.
I also got a game called "Sheep" on the PS1, my cousin back in the day had this, while it wasn't the best game I've played, it's still okay, the game is about herding sheep, the game isn't as boring as sounds, but it's by no means an essential purchase. I bought it anyway for nostalgia's sake.
Both games worked perfectly, and since I'll be passing by this shop every day (Well, 3 days a week, but you know what I mean.) on the way to and from college, I think they'd earned themselves a customer!
Oh yeah, and Happy Halloween!
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