When I was at G-Force, I saw a couple of Japanese tourists, or at least I think they're Japanese, I can tell they weren't Chinese, I doubt they'd be in game stores, so they were either Korean or Japanese, either way, it's the first time I've seen Asian tourists here in Scotland. I could tell they were tourists, because they were speaking a foreign language to each other.
Apparently, we get Japanese tourists in Scotland all the time, but it's first time I've seen any, why would they come here anyway, I could understand going to the Highlands, I imagine it's nice there, I want to go there myself, but why Glasgow?
Anyway, last week at that shop, I saw a copy of RC Revenge, boxed with manual for only £2 because the case was cracked, but I didn't get it because I ordered it from Amazon. That copy didn't arrive, and I got a refund for it, so I decided to visit the shop again if I get the chance, and get it if it's still there, it was!
I also found 007 The World is Not Enough for the PS1 there, it looks completely different from the N64 version, so I wanted to get it, because I love the 007 games, and wanted to get something new, well, new to me. It was £5, so I thought why not, at that price, it must be in pristine condition, the disc, I mean, they take out the discs when displaying them to avoid theft.
I also saw Viruta Tennis 2, I got the first game from there last week, loved it, so I thought why not get this one, it was also £5, the same as it is on Amazon, not too bad.
All the discs look in fine condition, I've already tried Virtua Tennis 2, and it works just fine. I've yet to try the others, though.
After that, I went to CEX, I found Resident Evil 4 for both Gamecube and PC, the PC version being £3 and the Gamecube version was £12, I also saw Theme Hospital for about £2.50, I was going to get them, but the line that particular day was massive, and I was killing enough time as it was, so I thought forget it, I would probably get them all cheaper on Amazon anyway, if not, I'll get them the next time I'm there, which I guess will be Thursday, when I go back to college, I'm off tomorrow!!!
When I got back home, I got 2 parcel today! I got Max Payne for PC and 007 Agent Under Fire for the Xbox!
Right, I'll be off, I have so many games to play, but so little time...
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